
Kanberry Transaction Service is available for approved Kanberry Customers who already have opened a Kanberry Account with our organisation. It particularly means that all necessary documents are submitted and processed through verification process by Kanberry compliance team.

Kanberry Transaction Service is designed as a special digital payment service for reconciliation of Customers’ and their clients’ payment preferences. This Service is a combination of the following components:

  • Online program interface (widget) for a customer web site. Widget allows a customer’s client to buy stablecoins using bankcard, set up a crypto wallet and to pay services of the customer company.
  • Processing services for customers, encompassing:
  1. Processing, handling and routing of payment transactions;
  2. Maintenance and storage of transaction database;
  3. Transactional interchange with acquiring banks, VISA & MC hosts and gateways, respective blockchains;
  4. Transactional interchange between payment model participants (End clients < - > Merchants-customers < - > Banks < - > Kanberry)
  5. Various transactional reports
  • Built in settlement service for both end clients and customers:
  1. Delivering transfers between merchant and end client crypto wallets
  2. Reimbursements on end client bankcards from customers
  • Remittances from merchants addressed to their counterparties in conventional currencies or in stablecoins.
  • Additional built in foreign exchange (FX) service for merchants:
  1. Exchange of stablecoins into conventional currencies (redemption

For services provision Kanberry charges service fee + bank charges depending on the customer type and its risk profile. Charges could be accrued to the customer, end client (cardholder) or could be distributed between them subject to an agreement between the Customer and Kanberry. Kanberry does not practice public offers.